Investing in India – ‚Clean Water for India‘ makes water available and affordable for all while providing a sustainable investment for you!


Water stocks in India are our passion. Through them, we offer you investment options in India that increase the sustainability of water supplies and quality of life for the people of India.

Earning money while investing into a positive force for change, all at the same time – made possible through an investment option in water treatment stocks in India. Become a part of our vision for just 1,- EUR per share!


THE PROJECT – Sustainable investment into water company shares to help the people of Varanasi, India

We want to establish 100 new water delivery points for the Varanasi region in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

To realize this, we provide you with an investment option in India that not only helps bring clean water to Varanasi, but also offers you at least 10% p.a. return!

Water pollution is a serious problem, not just in Varanasi but in all of India. Fluorid, arsenic and metallic pollution contaminates the ground water which is being used for drinking-water supply. In most parts of the country, tap water is not drinkable which means that the people have to resort to buying bottled water that, as of right now, is far too expensive for the vast majority of the population. Right now, India is experiencing the worst water market crisis in the country’s history and that is why we want to help make clean drinking water accessible and sustainable for all people in Varanasi. One water delivery point costs around 20,000 EUR which means that reaching our project’s goal of installing 100 water delivery points will require funds of 2,000,000 EUR in total. 40% of the project is being financed by the Indian investor Dr. Vijaj Yadav. Dr. Vijaj is the CEO and owner of two private medical universities in Varanasi and also used to be the Minister of Agriculture of the state of Uttar Pradesh in the past.

If you are looking for investment options in India that are beneficial for both your own future and that of Varanasi, then look no further! Invest in water company shares in India and help us fund clean water delivery points for Varanasi and earn money yourself along the way.



residents without clean water

rupees for 1 liter of water

Invest in a better world and still earning money is possible! Invest in companies that also want to change things in the world and contribute your part and even get your fair share from it.

To participate in the project simply contact us We will then send you by mail all necessary informations for the purchase of „INDIA CLEAN WATER“ shares.




In diesem Bereich erfahren Sie mehr über die neuesten Nachrichten rund um „Sauberes Wasser für Indien“, die Stadt Varanasi und alles über Trinkwasser in Indien.

40% bereits finanziert

40% bereits finanziert

Das Projekt wird zu 40 % von dem indischen Investor Dr. Vijaj Yadav finanziert. Dr. Vijaj ist der CEO und Eigentümer von zwei privaten medizinischen Universitäten in Varanasi. Außerdem war Dr. Vijaj...

40% financed already

40% financed already

40% of the project is being financed by the Indian investor Dr. Vijaj Yadav. Dr. Vijaj is the CEO and owner of two private medical universities in Varanasi. Furthermore, Dr. Vijaj was in the past...

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CEO Gerhard Bartschat

Tel.: +49 (0)172-8316112

Investing in India

Water treatment stocks in India are pushing innovation forward

A sustainable use of water is one of the biggest challenges of 2021 and the future. Innovators all across the globe have heard the news and are focussing on areas such as water treatment, water consumption and sanitation. Investors can focus their market investments on these areas and contribute to the push for innovation and be a financial pillar for technical advancements. Water treatment stocks in India are generally considered as not volatile and countercyclical, which makes them a relatively safe and interesting financial investment with comparatively low risk.


India has established a ministry to combat water shortage
Due to the dramatic water shortages in India, the country opened up a new ministry with the purpose of tackling the problems related to droughts. President ‚Ram Nath Kovind‘ said that ‚this ministry will be a step in the right direction so that water supplies can be saved and preserved for our children and future generations‘. Even though the government is promising to help, the Indian people are skeptical and are asking outside forces for help. Investment options in india, like clean water companies, are able to fund these causes and help the people of India while also providing a profitable financial investment for you!
The prices don't reflect the actual value
As of 2021, the use and consumption of water are being implicitly subsidized because the market price does not reflect the degree of sustainable availability.
This is one of the many reasons why financial investment options in India have become more and more popular with investors in the last years and why we think it’s both important and lucrative to be investing in India with out stock right now! Water is a rare and valuable commodity and has to be treated with care, therefore we want- and need to be a factor for change through your investments. Countries like India have a long way in front of them when it comes to clean drinking water and sanitary installations, industry and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communites and responsible systems, production and consumation. These mutual areas of development are all of individual importance and we are glad that we can be a factor for change in the financial markets in regards to clean drinking water systems for everyone that you can invest in.
A single clean water company can safe lives and you can support them by investing in them while expecting returns at the same time

The growth of a clean water company is considered slow but steady and it offers high returns for investors in the long run. The foreseeable growth of the water sector is quite predictable right now, which is one of the many reasons why you should invest right now. The financial growth in 2021 and the years beyond loosely follows the increase of the global population and is additionally being pushed on account of increasing living standards. While the global population was using about 400 cubic kilometres of water in the year 1900, the demand for water has since increased to about 4,600 cubic kilometres, according to the UN report from 2018. Read more about the 2018 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report here.

Until the year 2050, the demand for water is estimated to increase up to 6,000 cubic kilometres. What this means for Varanasi is that the situation will worsen if no actions are being taken. An investment in water stocks in India is therefore not only helping the development and quality of life of the people of Varanasi, but also offers a profitable and ethical financial opportunity for you in 2021 and beyond.

Installing water delivery points in Varanasi as a local support for the community and as profitable market investment options in India for you

Our project aims to install 100 water delivery points in Varanasi which are being produced and built in Germany through the funds of your investments. These water delivery points consist of air-conditioned sea containers that inhabit the water treatment system and the water dispensers. A pump draws groundwater into the treatment system and stores the processed drinking water in a free storage tank until sale. The pumps will only draw as much water from the ground as is needed and since the river Ganges is flowing through Varanasi, this method is sustainable and the groundwater levels will not be reduced by this, which is of utmost importance to us! Investing in water treatments stocks in India through Clean Water For India will guarantee a sustainable drinking water solution for the community of Varanasi and will also be a profitable financial investment for your personal funds.

Sustainable business and investment leads to sustainable water filtration systems and stable prices for the local population of Varanasi

Clean Water For India aims to make water affordable for the people of Varanasi. As of right now, the market price for a litre of bottled water in Varanasi is around 30 rupees. Clean Water For India wants their stock to be a positive force on the market in 2021 and the coming years and will make one litre of clean drinking water available for the people of Varanasi for the price of only 2 rupees. Thanks to our project, a household of four will be able to purchase clean drinking water for themselves for the price of only about 14 EUR per month. Invest in Clean Water For India stocks today to make a change!

Why you should be investing in India, too!

Clean Water For India offers you water treatment stocks in India that allow us to help the local communities while providing you with at least a 10% p.a. return on your investment. This way, you can support us in our mission to fund clean drinking water for the people of Varanasi and earn money through the investing in our stock. Purified drinking water is one of the most important factors for a country’s economical and social development and is a profitable long-term investment for you to make. As a clean water company, it is our vision to make sure that the Varanasi region can overcome the current water crisis and will be able to tackle the challenges that are ahead of them due to climate change as best as possible.

As previously mentioned, the current situation affects the people of Varanasi in multiple different ways and leads to negative circumstances that change the fundamental ways of people’s lives on a daily basis. Young girls are being taken out of school to help their families carry heavy buckets full of water to their houses because they have no choice but to do so, Indian citizens have to buy bottled water for an inflated price due to a lack of alternatives, etc. Invest in water stocks in India now and help us provide the best support we can! Our water delivery points will improve the quality of life of Varanasi’s citizens in all of the former mentioned aspects. Your investments into our stock are important because they make our work possible – and we work tirelessly to make our vision a reality and to help the clean drinking water market become open to everyone while providing investors with their share at the same time. Invest in Clean Water For India and in a better world for future generations!



The Challenges We Face


Investing in India has become more important than ever. The country is experiencing a historical drought and over 600 million Indian people have no access to clean drinking water. That’s over half of the country’s population. For the price of only 1,- EUR per share, you can invest in our stock and be part of our vision!

In June 2018, the Indian government issued a report on their markets and general socio-economical situation in relation to the water crisis that revealed the scope of the problem as news to the public. About 70% of Indian water is contaminated and can not be consumed without a risk to the health of the people. One of the main reasons for the ground water pollution seems to be the massive amounts of waste that are not being disposed of properly throughout the whole country. Indian cities like New Delhi repeatedly make headlines in global news outlets due to their polluted waters being topped with white, toxic foam and fumes. Another example is the Bellandur lake in Bangalore. When the weather is especially sunny and hot, the lake starts to burn – due to toxic chemicals in the water.

The sustainable use of water is one of the greatest challenges of India’s markets and for the country’s future. The main focus lies on improvements to water treatment, water consumption and wastewater disposal. These are the areas we need to invest in. Clean Water For India strives to tackle these challenges and fund a sustainable and long-lasting clean water supply that also represents a lucrative investment option for you. Support us in helping Varanasi and invest in our water treatment stock to help the local population and to broaden your share on personal market investments.

Tap water is often not safe to drink in India, which leads to bottled water being the only solution for the people – but that solution comes at a very high cost as of right now. Invest in water treatment stocks in India and help make drinking water affordable and available for all people.

A considerable amount of people in India are at risk of- or already living a very hard life. In parts of the country, people have to invest their time into salvaging and reselling waste to even be able to afford their every day drinking water with very limited funds. This circumstance forces them to drink from the urban water supply. That water is heavily contaminated and consuming it would pose a very real health risk. The Indian government has promised to provide safe drinking water to every family in India by 2022, but most people have doubts regarding that claim. 5 litres of water per day are needed to meet the needs of a single person for cooking and drinking water, yet that prescription can rarely be met because of drinking water shortages and the contaminated water supplies. Water stocks in India combat the drinking water shortages and present a new and hopeful perspective for the people of Varanasi while simultaneously representing a sustainable and profitable stock investment for your funds.

Climate change is making matters worse and putting people’s health at risk. Investing in India will provide both sustainable and profitable solutions!

Excess fluoride, arsenic and heavy metals are polluting the groundwater across the country and climate change is worsening the situation, according to a business news report by The World Bank.

As if this wasn’t already bad enough, climate change is posing a very real risk and danger nowadays, as well. More and more droughts and irregular weather patterns are becoming the norm in India and the groundwater that is pumped for both domestic use and farming can often not be replenished. Climate change has also lead to rising sea levels which in return increase the saline levels of freshwater rivers and lakes, making their water undrinkable. At the bay of Bengal, villagers are witnessing the water levels of the Indian Ocean rising around them and can’t help but watch it seep into the groundwater and putting a tax on the indian population. This is where a clean water company can come in and fund a sustainable solution for the people’s equity. Water treatment stocks in India become our way of providing a worthwhile investment for you!

The government’s report paints a bleak picture – but clean water companies will be able to fund a brighter future and investment options in India are easy to grasp and provide benefits for everyone!

The report that the Indian government issued in 2018 still applies in 2021 and has a pessimistic view on the water crisis in India and the risk it poses –
it’s easy to see why that is: In some regions of India, the people can only get drinking water from tanker trucks that come to the villages on specific days. To be able to carry as much water as possible back home, parents will take their children out of school on these days to help them as best as they can. This, of course, has negative consequences on the children’s education, but is often a necessary step to take so the families can ensure a proper drinking water supply for themselves. In the last 10 years, ‚water ATMs‘ – vending machines – have been constructed across the country where people can tap drinking water into their own containers at affordable prices. Clean Water For India wants to expand this formula by investing funds into 100 new water delivery points and filtration systems in Varanasi, made possible through your investment in water treatment stocks in India.

Sub-par water management and no concrete government plans on how to tackle the crisis are accelerating the effects of the problem – and that’s where an investment into our stock will help!

In less than two years, India’s twenty major cities will share a similar fate, as they will not have any groundwater left, according to news extracted from the government’s report. That will mean that around the year 2030, about 40% of the Indian population won’t have access to drinking water anymore. A reason for this development, experts say, is bad water management. ‚Nitin Desai‘, a respected economic scientist and former representative of India at the United Nations, has said that ‚there is no plan for the increasing demand for water that exist due to the constant growth of the population‘. He further added that: ‚We have to do a better job at recording and managing our groundwater supply. We allow farmers to siphon off groundwater, even though it means that they’ll take away water from other people. And also, our rivers… All the big rivers in India flow through multiple states which constantly leads to tensions and fights about it, even though our constitution states that the water belongs to the people and not just the state that it flows through‘.

Clean Water For India funds a sustainable solution by installing local water treatment units that filter the groundwater and make it available as clean drinking water for the local population. You can invest in water treatment stocks in India and contribute your part while benefitting from the market profits all at once.

Water is a strategically important resource for the country’s development, especially in areas like education and healthcare.

Agriculture in India uses up to 80% of the country’s best water supplies while around 800 million people, or 70% of the population, are living in the countryside where access to clean drinking water is often not available or barely affordable at best due to an inflated price. You can see that wherever clean water is made accessible in the countryside, more girls are going to school and getting an education because they do not have to stay home anymore to be able to help their families with carrying heavy water buckets from the tanker trucks back to their houses. Trading an education in exchange for the necessities required to live a normal life is something that should never be the norm. Investing in India and, to be more specific, into water treatment stocks in India will not just fund the development of the country, but will also help provide an education to children all over India.

India’s GDP is shrinking and funds are missing, yet the demand for more and cleaner water is rising.

Market analyses and reports by investors show that from 2021 to 2030, there is a very serious risk that the demand for water in India will grow to be twice as high as the amount available. This means that hundreds of millions of people will suffer from drinking water shortages if the situation does not improve in the next decade. The problem is being underlined by market estimations that expect the country’s GDP to drop by up to 6% from 2021 to 2050. To improve the water supply throughout the country, the government created an index for the Indian states that was supposed to work as an impulse for them to start acting and spend a considerable amount of their funds on water supplies and wastewater treatment. Unfortunately, around 60% of those states di d invest less than half of the funds that were expected of them and what would’ve been necessary to improve the water supply situation. The majority of those 60% were states that invest heavily into agriculture. External support is needed now and investment options in India that fund the local drinking water supply are in high demand. A clean water business that provides a market price cap to the unaffordable bottled water of today can be a strong force for innovation and investments on the markets. You can invest in water stocks in India right now!

The rate at which temperatures are rising all over the globe is a huge factor for droughts across India – but how does this affect water supplies?

According to an article by DW, the most important impact of rising temperatures across India and the globe are plant transpiration and greater evaporation rates which, in return, result in drier soils. These dried out soils will then absorb a lot more of the water that falls down during rain periods. What this means is that only about a third of rainfall water is usable for humans and represents a crucial aspect of the impact that climate change has on the water cycle. Of course, one third of the water being available for human needs does not only equate to it being used as drinking water, but also includes all the water that is used for agricultural purposes, for example. As shown before, agriculture uses up to 80% of the country’s fixed water supply, which in return means that the small amount of water that is available for human needs is largely being used up for agricultural purposes. To combat these circumstances, you can be a positive force on the market yourself and invest in our water treatment stock.

The rising temperatures pose a risk to the country and are negatively affecting the river Ganga in Varanasi, as well.

The water levels of the river Ganga continue decreasing and it has alarming effects on the people of Varanasi. Locals are worried because the water levels of the Ganga river have declined heavily, so much that the riverbed has started revealing itself. Low water levels of India’s rivers will lead to low groundwater levels, which in return will become a problem due to the ever-increasing demand and lack of investment from officials. Investing in India and in water company shares in India will help the people of Varanasi in times where external help is urgently requested since it currently seems to be too much to handle for the Indian government alone.

There are not enough wastewater treatment plants and the existing ones are often lacking the prescribed standards and are not up to par with international technology.

According to a news article by Water Online analyzing the markets and general economical and ecological situation, India is in dire need of more- and better wastewater treatment plants. The result of the rapid progress of business industrialization is the high amount of pollutants in India, with wastewater being one of them. ‚Wastewater‘ refers to water that is contaminated and can not be consumed before purification, with the main sources of contamination being industrial waste and sewerage. While India’s population, businesses and industries are growing at a fast pace, the amount of wastewater increases along with them and there is no insurance yet that the risk this poses might fade away soon. An increase in wastewater can be a dangerous process for the environment because it is not only unfit to be used as drinking water, but as it returns and sweeps over the land, it can also contaminate other free water sources like rivers and lakes. In some cases, the wastewater might even seep into the ground and contaminate the groundwater that is so valuable to the country as a whole. There are different kinds of wastewater treatment plants across the country and they use different methods of dealing with pollutants, but some of the ones being used are outdated or simply not doing enough to tackle the scope of the situation in India due to insufficient funds or bad overall management, which again puts the general drinking water cycle at risk.

Building and improving wastewater treatment plants across the counry will most likely be a lengthy progress over the span of many years, but investments in this sector will have a huge impact on the quality of life of the people of Varanasi. You can help the people of Varanasi out today with an investment in water treatment stocks in India that will make clean and purified drinking water available for an affordable price and easy to obtain for everyone.

Some global players and corporations are exploiting India’s water sources while we aim to make clean water available and affordable for everyone

News headlines have made the world aware that it has been an unfortunate reality for years now that some corporations and global players have been exploiting India’s best water sources with the sole aim of maximizing profits – to the demise of the Indian population. Companies take the groundwater, filter it and fill it into bottles which they either try to sell their products locally for horrendous prices (that are not affordable with the average indian income) or sell abroad, in first world countries. The latter means that groundwater is being pumped up from the ground and then taken out of the Indian ecosystem for good and exported elsewhere to fund foreign interests, which is a business that represents a tax on the local population since this exchange often leaves them with next to no share.

While this water is often used to create softdrinks for the markets of other countries, the Indian wells run dry, the cattle dies of thirst, harvests go bad and yet another home will have to fight for their water. Unfortunately, the country has experienced resource theft throughout long periods of it’s history and still does to this day. It’s a history of rich countries pillaging India’s water sources, of international corporations raiding and extracting India’s best resources and neglecting the environment and fair trading conditions.

Clean Water For India wants to offer a stock that represents a sustainable alternative to exploitative practices across the country by offering reasonable investments. Water company shares in India are a great way for you to contribute to a positive change and to fund the development of Varanasi while making a sustainable financial investment in a clean water company that aims to help the people and the progress of the region.

Sustainable Investment options in India


Clean water company shares that help Varanasi and benefit you, as well.

Clean Water For India offers you stocks for only 1 EUR per share that let you invest your funds into the best possible development of Varanasi. Please note that we are not offering a mutual fund or other funds, but an individual stock for you to invest in.

Invest in Clean Water For India and help us make a change. Contact us now via the link below and we will send all information needed for the purchase of ‚Clean Water For India‘ shares your way!

Be the change that the people of Varanasi need today. Investment options in India for you! Contact us via the button below to participate in the project.